Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Reading is everywhere (part 2)

I originally blogged about this in October 2007 (click on the title to see that post). Sabine's been asking a LOT lately what things spell...I really have to be on top of it when we're in the car and she spells out words that I can't see. I took out the camera phone today while we were at Vivian's dance lesson, and subsequent park time.
(Disclaimer, these images are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual words Sabine asked about today, or any other day, for that matter. But, words are everywhere...)

How could anyone NOT want to learn to some point, at least? There's so much information out our faces...every day.

So a few days ago, Bret mentioned that we should pull out some of the Richard Scarry books (you know, the ones with all the images with words printed next to them...) for Sabine. While I was looking (unsuccessfully...ahhh moving!) for them, I found this "beginning reader" book that came from somewhere. I pulled it out and asked Sabine if she'd want to read a book called Two Crazy Pigs. She said, "Sure." She opened it up and read it out loud cover to cover. She did ask about a couple of words (including Fenster and Henhawk (the names of the farms)), but she had fun with it. She's been reading it a lot, and asked me to get more books like it at the library.

Granny Jean (bookworm extraordinaire) had the idea to go out for an icecream to celebrate, but Sabine said she wanted to have a party instead. And make a chotopus cake, from the pan Grandmother Joan sent a year ago. All right! I love a party!
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