A special thanks to the support of all of our family and friends (especially Kristin, Allison and Nancy here in Jackson) who tell us that we're
not crazy for wanting to spend more time with our kids.
For those of you wanting more info on homeschooling, here is a link to answers John Holt gave regarding
common objections to homeschooling. Jan Hunt, creator of the Natural Child Project spoke at the LIFE is Good conference, and her book
The Natural Child was one of the early influences on our parenting style.
An incomplete list of what Sabine, Vivian and I did today:
Read the Ladybug and Click magazines that arrived in the mail
Cut out the leaf matching game that was in Ladybug
Created a princess story book
Read a Find the Insect book
Went to the bank, Second Helpings and Forget me not -- got suckers, a battery operated pottery wheel (need to get batteries for it), a toy horse (Sabine), a Pooh stuffed animal (Vivian), and an electric ice cream maker (Carolyn), all for under $10
Sabine and Vivian helped me make meatloaf, then used the leftover parsley to make a special dessert (hmmmm...think I'll stick with the ice cream maker)
Sabine read the book Tickle Tickle by Helen Oxenbury to Vivian (multiple times)
All in all a great first day of no school.