The girls and I went to New Seasons (the grocery store 2 blocks away) and got 3 Dungeness Crabs (it's crab season...for some reason I'm reminded of Elk Season, but I think Crab wins, hands down...). The woman at the counter, Dana, asked if I wanted her to prep them (are you kidding, free kitchen help? Hell yes!) we watched, and the girls asked lots of questions. Vivian was most concerned that the crabs would pinch her, but Dana assured her that they were indeed, dead. She even showed the girls the heart of one of them (did you know a Dungeness Crab heart is about 1" and shaped like a star? I didn't either...).
Vivian, doing her crab impression.
Sabine, preparing to dig in.
The remains...I think I'm going to try making a stock out of them. We're having crab cakes tonight as we had about 1.5 cups of leftover crab. Bret did the dirty work of getting the rest of the meat out while I watched Prince Caspian with the girls the second time that day -- he watched it the first time. It's the 2nd in the Narinia series -- just found out Disney is bailing on the 3rd movie...not enough $ to be made, apparently, so they're looking for other backers...anyone? Great movie, we've also enjoyed the first one -- read the book aloud to Sabine first, and she wanted to see the movie...thought it would be too scary, but no.
You'd think a good atheist turned good-xian (for sex, of course!) with a great set of stories for sale would've just warmed ol' Walt's heart (or his wallet, anyway!).
As long as they still hire the Kiwis to do the special effects, I don't care *who* makes #3 :D
Yeah, Bret and I have decided that Disney had to save their $ for High School Musical 12 or something...And yes, here's to #3, however it gets made!
those portlanders are so nice, we may have to go hang out in the grocery store together again,such a good time!!
Yes, I think they may have more beer recommendations for us!
Hey crab stockmaker, I have been thinking of you lots as I have just finished reading a book that I think you might enjoy. It is called The Soul of Chef by Michael Ruhlman. It talks about cooking at the haute cuisine/ MasterChef level (many of the terms are WAY WAY WAY beyond me-- like I've never even heard of them) but it is also so inspiring and fascinating. I think you might get a kick out of it.
Oh - I love a good book recommendation! Thanks!
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