Friday, August 29, 2008

It's a sign

I was looking for one toddler size 9 pink cowboy boot (gotta take a little of Wyoming to Oregon, right? And Vivian LOVES them...) and found it under the shoe "caddy" (a big wooden bench thing Bret made for our entry here) and noticed several other...things...under there. So I pulled it forward (it's about 8' long) and found a few other random things...among which was a quarter. Cool, I thought (Sabine and Vivian love gumball machines) then I turned it over...

Yup. An Oregon quarter. I think this one gets a special place...sorry, gumball machines.

We leave tomorrow morning, will drive about half way there, and will be in Portland Sunday evening. Wahoo!

Thanks to everyone who posted good wishes for the move -- sorry for the lack of individual responses, this moving thing is hard work! I'm looking forward to leisurely unpacking.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sabine's week...

...has been brought you by the letter B.

She has learned to ride her new bike with no training wheels, is braiding hair, and and blowing bubble gum bubbles.

We're wondering what the letter C has in store. And trying to remember what A was (astrophysics, algorithms and ants? Yeah, that's it.)

This is the house...

in Portland...we'll be there on the 31st of Aug. Wahoo!
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

The reason for this blog's recent inactivity

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...or packing peanuts.
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