...at Dave and Karmin's in Portland. They put us up for 5 nights...we had a great time visiting with them, learning to pay KOOB, and hanging out with their kitties.
Sabine and Vivian's favorite part was...the Otter Pops. In case you were wondering, 2 young girls can eat almost 100 Otter Pops in 5 days. Burp.
The last day of the conference...i.e. the longest time the kids sat still all weekend! (note the 7" DVD that 7 kids are watching...in the entry of our hotel room)
At Esther Short Park (a few blocks from the hotel) the final day
Parade magazine from the Sunday paper is having a poll to see if homeschooling parents should have teaching credentials. Will you please vote? (Just in case you're wondering, even though Bret and I do have our certifications, our answer is no, No, NO!) If you want more info, you can talk to Bret about his experiences student teaching...and the credential he holds (which "certifies" him to teach a BROAD range of science areas...even though his passion and competencies lie in a few select areas...) http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2008/edition_06-01-2008/Intelligence_Report