Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ice skating, tooth fairy visit

The girls just finished up several weeks of ice skating lessons...Sabine didn't want me to take her picutre on the ice, but here's Vivian:

And another couple of the second child with a special gift from the Tooth Fairy -- Vivian now has 5 teeth missing (and she turns 5 in early October). TF thought that was good reason for a specail gift of an Ugly Doll. Happy girl.

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hi, i'm kat. said...

love! she looks so cute and an ugly doll is such a bonus! can't wait to hug them both xxoo

Carolyn said...

Yeah...she had really been coveting Sabine's Ugly Dolls...that Tooth Fairy is a wise one. ;)

And Bret mentioned that I should tell people that the missing teeth have no relationship to the ice skating!