Saturday, February 23, 2008

Three books, one week

OK, so I need to update my Shelfari list...but until then, I wanted to post on some reading I've been doing. Last week I finished Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog by (local author) Ted Kerasote. Bret received it from Julie and Shawn for Christmas. Very interesting story about the relationship between a man and his dog -- who lives an extraordinarily "free" life for a dog -- lots of roaming in the small town of Kelly, WY, hunting, skiing, etc.

I then went on to another animal book with the fictional Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen. Read it in about 3 days -- it was excellent! The narrator is in a nursing home and tells the story of his life, when traveling circuses were abundant (well, declining, actually). Great love story, both between humans and animals. This was our bookclub read for Feb, we're meeting next Tuesday.

Finally, I read Cormac McCarthy's The Road. This was loaned to me by our friend Bud -- who wanted to know what I'd think of it. Well, thanks for the freaky nightmares mister...just kidding, but only kind of! What a strange, futuristic, unpleasant novel...and yet I couldn't stop reading it. A great book for discussion.

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